Ptarmigan Tunnel Trail

Ptarmigan Trail – Glacier National Park, framed stained glass mosaic, 30″ x 30″ ~SOLD

This new mosaic is inspired by one of the hikes we did in Glacier National Park in Montana in the summer of 2013. We combined the Ice Lake Trail with the Ptarmigan Tunnel Trail. Hands down it is one of the best hikes I’ve ever done and would do again in a heartbeat. 

This is a photo I took after emerging from the Tunnel, looking out at the Belly River Valley. It is the inspiration shot for my mosaic.

On this scenic 15 miler there were too many awe inspiring views to count and not possible to choose a favorite as turning each corner was like unwrapping a new gift. Heading toward the tunnel, we were taking in the lush and colorful, flower filled landscape.  Emerging through the tunnel we were met with a stark contrast.   The final view of the earth-toned Belly River Valley with the bright blue Elizabeth Lake nestled between the rock and the trees appeared on the other side and it was so drastically different than everything leading up to it that it made the strongest impression.  It felt like a mirage.  Everything seemed like a miniature, far, far way.  Today it is as clear in my memory as if I was just there.

Left: Some of the color palette next to the photo I took on the trail.   Right: More color choices.
Left: The hand cut piece of glass that will be the lake.   Right: The mosaic construction on top of a rough sketch.
Left: All the small rock shapes are shaped by hand. Right: Two of the tools used for shaping the rocks.
Left: Overview of the progress.   Right: Close-up of the rock covered mountain.
Left: Over 80% done. Right: Arranging the sky.
Left: Peeling tape after gluing the glass. Right: Grouting.
Size comparison photo of me holding up the framed artwork.
Close-up of frame and sky.
Close up of the detail – every single piece of glass is hand shaped by me with basic hand tools.
Seen in a different light – the mosaic really changes in different light – it looks best when properly lit.
Each stone is meticulously hand shaped with tile nippers.